Annual Magazine Sale

We will have our magazines out on a first come first serve basis. A donation of $.10 an issue is appreciated. Sale will continue until issues are gone.

Wildcat Wednesday- Robot Hand

Have fun experimenting in 2021! This Spring Wildcat Wednesday will have Science experiments to do at home. The first experiment is making a robot hand.  Pick up for the kits is January 11- 15

Noon Book Club

This month the group is reading Redbird Christmas By Fanny Flagg. If you are interested in joining this group call or stop by the library for the next title.  

National Send a Card to a Friend Day Card Kits

This year February 7th is Send a a Card to a Friend Day, and we want to help you celebrate. Grab a kit and make a card for a friend.  Take and Make Card Kits will be available January 18-29.