Story Time

Join us for Stories, songs, and fun!

Story Time

Join us for stories, songs, and fun!

Wee Reads

Join us for our toddler/baby story time, lots of stories, songs, and giggles.

Dirt Grit and Jello Salad

Moundridge Senior Center

Generations after the Great Depression, Kansans still define themselves and rural communities largely in the same terms their grandparents and great-grandparents once used — "hard-working, close-knit, loyal and faithful." But the dynamics have changed. Fewer Kansans are growing up on farms. More than 70 percent of Kansans now identify themselves as living in urban communities.… Continue Reading Dirt Grit and Jello Salad

Story Time

Join us for stories, songs, and fun! This week Lory Fisher will be our guest reader.

Wildcat Wednesday STEM club

Have fun with STEM at the library! Each Wildcat Wednesday we will have an STEM activity to do. Illusions and puzzles are up first!

Wee Reads

Join us for our toddler/baby story time, lots of stories, songs, and giggles.

Noon Book Club

Join in the discussion. Noon book club meets monthly to discuss a variety of titles, this month they are reading "Land of Enchantment". Contact the library if you are interested in Joining.

Black Kettle Book Club

Join in the discussion. Noon book club meets monthly to discuss a variety of titles, this month the group is discussing West With Giraffes. Contact the library if you are interested in Joining.

Story Time

Join us for stories, songs, and fun!