Library Closed

The library will be closing at noon on Christmas Eve and all day Christmas Day

Puzzles and Popcorn

Stop in work on a puzzle and snack on some popcorn. We will have puzzles out for all ages.

Library Closed

The library will be closing at 4:00 on New Year's Eve and all day New Year's Day

Library Board Meeting

The monthly meeting of the library board being held at the library.

Story Time

Preschoolers (ages 3-5) are invited to shake the sillies out at our weekly story time. Come enjoy books, activities, crafts, songs, and more!

Story Time

Preschoolers (ages 3-5) are invited to shake the sillies out at our weekly story time. Come enjoy books, activities, crafts, songs, and more!

Wee Reads

Wee Read (for ages 2 and under) incorporates songs, finger-plays, and tot-friendly books into a story time that helps prepare your child for future social and academic success. Early Literacy and motor skills grow through talking, cuddling, playing, and exploring!